Friday, December 08, 2006

Miles of Tales Condensed in a Sigh

Once in a deep and sombre mood, I wrote a poem - "Miles of Tales Condensed in a Sigh!". Its' still my favourite. With an open mind, you may also like it perhaps.
Hear the hypnotic tales, from graves dead men shout,
Passionate lives, lived or dreamt, calmly recount.
Whom they loved, and who deceived,
Magnanimities and cussedness, given and received.
Laughter and tears, grief and stifled cry,
Miles of tales, condensed in a sigh.

Link to the complete Poem at my blog


ProfAshok said...

from between the trees the screech of a solitary crow
Weary humans with sweat on their brows
Boiling Karma theirs to reap
Yet some with the golden Key
A tall building called IIT
a group called mech71
Cherished memories theirs to Keep

ProfAshok said...

with good fortune comes responsibility
To wipe the sweat fom atleast one desolate brow
So that wheels of service may ever churn
So that our world remains and civilization does grow
Long live the group called Mech71

Girish Bhatnagar said...

Thanks Mal. I reciprocate your sentiments.