Thursday, November 02, 2006

An Evening with Mrs & Mr Nirmal Singh

It was so nice of Mrs Nirmal Singh to have braved her knee pain and still commute from NJ to Manhattan to meet us. Nirmal hosted Me and my wife (Anu) at the Khyber Restaurant - which was a walking distance from our Hotel. They are a great pair. We talked of this and that. Children - their marriages. Future hopes and fears.
Indian when abroad, wistfully wait for two things - Indian Food, and water instead of Bottoms paper.
My first need so wonderfully met by Nirmal.
The second one was met only after my return to India.
If an ass could smile, it did.

1 comment:

Ashok said...

Most Indian visitors to the US end up witha sore ass from use of paper where water would have done the job more gently